Recruitment Bootcamp

recruitment bootcamp


There is a LOT that goes into the recruitment process, and I know you can get overwhelmed, and we want to help. The Recruitment Bootcamp was developed with YOU in mind. I want to help you to succeed and take control of your recruitment process.

I promise that after the Recruitment Bootcamp you will be able to take charge of YOUR recruitment process. Each session is broken down into Four: One hour classes so you have time to digest the information. Each session is only $50 and has a max of 12 players so we can maximize the one-on-one attention.

All classes are taught virtually via Google Meets.


Class 1: College Fit Finder

Class 2: Time to Stand Out and the Different Divisions

Class 3: Emails and Social Media

Class 4: Highlight videos  review your 1st draft of emails.


College Fit Finder

How to use College Fit Finder to find your dream school!


Time to Stand Out

The importance of academics and extracurricular activities


Different Divisons

What is the difference between NCAA & NAIA? NCAA DI, DIII? We dive into the differences of each division and their contact rules

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Composing your first email that gives you the best opportunity to begin an authentic conversation with college coaches and catch their attention

Rush Highlight Video Program Logo

Highlight Vidoes

How to film and post your highlight video order to maximize your views and have a college coach respond


Social Media

How do use Social Media to your advantage…and how NOT to use social media during the recruitment process

Both Sessions are the same, pick the one that best fits with your schedule.

Session 1

December 21, 22, 28 & 29

5pm-6pm Central Time.


Session II

December 21, 22, 28 & 29

8pm-9pm Central Time.