CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat Live! What if I am not ECNL or GA?
CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat Live Q&A
CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat! Summer Series-ID Camps
CAP Chat! Summer Series. Josh Tyler and Tyler Tomlinson kick off the Summer Series by talking about ID Camp Prep and how to get the most out of ID Camps.
College ID Camps
College ID Camps Two different kinds of ID Camps Importance of attending them When you should start attending College ID Camps Institutional ID Camp Institutional Camp is a College ID Camp that is hosted by a college or University on their campus or respective field....
CAP Chat Live! College ID Camps
CAP Chat Live Un-Edited Un-Scripted Un-Censored Un-Hinged How to get the most money for college CAP Chat Goes Live! Join Josh Tyler, National CAP Director for Rush Soccer Host CAP Chat Live! Co-Host: Tyler Tomlinson, Head Women's Soccer Coach at Culver-Stockton...