CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat Live! What if I am not ECNL or GA?
CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat Live! Dos and Don’ts for Attending a College Showcase
CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat: Attending College Coaches
CAP Chat Live!CAP Chat Live! is the #1 Soccer Recruitment Podcast. We take a deeper dive in the soccer recruitment process.Host Josh Tyler is the National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer and has 10 years of college coaching experience. Co-host Tyler...
CAP Chat Live! Top Skills Coaches Look For
Season 2, Episode 8TOPIC: CAP Chat Live! Preparing for a Showcase TOPIC: Top Skills College Coaches Look for Live from Twin Cities Rush How do you show it? What can you be doing at home? Host: Josh Tyler: National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer...
CAP Chat Live! Preparing for a Showcase
2 Seasons CAP ChatJosh Tyler, Rush Soccers National College Advisory Program Director, dives into all things recruitment. The recruitment process is overwhelming and we intend to simplify it. CAP Chat Live! TOPIC: CAP Chat Live! Preparing for a Showcase...