2 Seasons

CAP Chat

Josh Tyler, Rush Soccers National College Advisory Program Director, dives into all things recruitment. The recruitment process is overwhelming and we intend to simplify it.

CAP Chat Live!


TOPIC: CAP Chat Live! Preparing for a Showcase

Preparing for a Showcase

  • Emails to send in advance
  • What to say to coaches?
  • Does the warm up matter?
  • What about Team Rosters?
  • How Far in Advance should you send emails?

Host: Josh Tyler: National College Advisory Program Director for Rush Soccer

Co-Host: Tyler Tomlinson: Head Women’s Soccer Coach at Culver-Stockton College

Guest: Steve Axtell

Cortland University

Head Men’s Soccer Coach


COVID-19 College Update

COVID-19 College Update

With Conferences cancelling their fall seasons NCAA DI and DII coaches NOT being able to watch live games, here is my biggest piece of advice. GET A HIGHLIGHT VIDEO ASAP! If you are playing any games, or scrimmage, please..please video your games. Here are some tips...

NCAA DII Extends Quiet Period

NCAA DII Extends Quiet Period

Division II extends quiet period through Aug. 31 Administrative Committee clarifies blanket waiver for flexible fall playing and practice seasons July 15, 2020 5:56pmCorbin McGuire The Division II Administrative Committee on Wednesday took action on multiple issues...

NCAA DI Update 06.26.20

NCAA DI extends recruiting dead period until August 31. A dead period precludes all in-person recruiting. Phone calls and correspondence can continue to occur. What does that mean for you?

Grades vs SAT Scores

Grades vs SAT Scores

Which is a better predictor of college success? Article written by Teresa Watanabe | Staff Writer from the Los Angeles Times.    As a student at Kaiser High School in Fontana two years ago, Melissa Morfin-Acevedo bombed her SAT test, scoring in the bottom third...

National Letter of Intent

National Letter of Intent

The official description of the National Letter of Intent The NCAA manages the daily operations of the NLI program while the Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) provides governance oversight of the program. Started in 1964 with seven conferences and eight...

10 Tips for the SAT Math Section

10 Tips for the SAT Math Section

The Math Section of the SAT is 25 minutes for 20 questions with NO calculator and then 35 minutes for 38 questions With a calculator. It covers Algebra Geometry Statistics and data analysis Trigonometry Ready to start your SAT Prep? Rush has partnered with Magoosh for...

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